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choral, instrumental, traditional and multimedia music


Poet: Sarah Windle (1985 - )

TITLE: Day's Voices


TIME: 4m15s

$/COPY: $2.00 CAD (+tx where applicable)

SAMPLE: click here

*SSAA is available through Alliance Music Publications


Aya is the voice of the morning
When the sun is rising
Up comes Obee, voice of noon,
Hot, and slow, and soon,
Sighs the voice of evening, Ohh,
gently bringing day to close.
Diya, voices in the night
Whisper, Chatter, Clamber, Shout!
And over all the sea, she sings
Of light and love and living things.

Traduction de courtoisie:


Aya est la voix du matin
Lorsque se lève le soleil;
Arrive Obee, voix du midi,
Chaude, et lente; et bientôt,
Soupire la voix du soir, Ohh,
guidant la journée à sa fin.
Diya, voix de la nuit
Chuchotent, bavardent, grimpent, crient !
Et sur toute la mer, elle chante
De la lumière, de l'amour et des êtres vivants.



"Day's Voices" describes the four Voices that shape the course of a day: Aya, the Morning Voice; Obee, the Voice of Noon; Ohh, the Voice of Evening; and Dya, the Night Voice. It is a celebration of light, and love, and living things.

Winner of the 2015 Gregg Smith National Choral Composition Contest hosted by the Setnor School of Music, Syracuse University.

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